论文著作 |
发表的部分学术论文: 1. Zhao Cheng, Zhou Wei; Chen Xuyong, Wu Qiaoyun, Ma Gang, Wang Qiao. Mesoscopic analysis of heat and moisture coupled transfer in concrete considering phase change under frost action[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 57: 104888-104888. (SCI, 中科院2区) 2. Zhao Cheng, Zhou Wei, Zhou Qi, Wang Zhe, Gaurav Sant, Guo Lijie, Mathieu Bauchy. Topological origin of phase separation in hydrated gels[J]. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 590: 199-209. (SCI, 中科院1区) 3. Zhao Cheng, Zhou Wei, Zhou Qi, Zhang Yao, Liu Han, Gaurav Sant, Liu Xinghong, Guo Lijie, Mathieu Bauchy. Precipitation of calcium-alumino- silicate-hydrate gels: The role of the internal stress[J]. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020, 153(1): 014501. (SCI, 中科院2区) 4. Feng Chuqiao, Zhao Cheng*, Yu Xiaomin, Xiong Jie, Tang Longwen. A Mathematical Model of the Expansion Evolution of Magnesium Oxide in Mass Concrete Based on Hydration Characteristics[J]. Materials, 2021, 14(12): 3162. (SCI, 中科院3区) 5. Zhou Wei, Zhao Cheng, Liu Xinghong, Chang Xiaolin, Feng Chuqiao. Mesoscopic simulation of thermo-mechanical behaviors in concrete under frost action[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 157(157): 117-131. (SCI, 中科院1区) 6. 黄康桥, 赵程, 周伟, 刘杏红,马刚. 基于多场耦合模型的混凝土冻融三维细观研究[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版),2021, 055(001):1-9.(EI) |
承担项目 |
主持或参与的科研项目: 1. 湖北省教育厅科研计划项目,“碳化养护下混凝土固碳能力提升研究”,主持,在研 2. 澳门新葡澳京官网科学基金项目,“粉煤灰水泥基材料微结构力学性能及增韧机理研究”,主持,在研 3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“氯盐环境下装配式混凝土桥梁UHPC-HSSB-HSC界面抗剪性能及其预测模型”,参与,在研 4. 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,“长江流域大坝混凝土性能演化微纳观机理及优化”,参与,在研 5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,“基于化学反应特性的大体积混凝土宏-细观多尺度温度及温度应力仿真关键技术研究及应用”,参与,在研 6. 国家重点研发计划项目,“长江上中游特大水利枢纽调控与安全运行技术”子题“复杂运行环境下高坝结构性态响应与控制”,参与,已结题 |